Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Happy Birthday To You....
It was a big deal....huge. Two years ago, our lives looked something like this.
A diagnosis. Surgical procedures. Hospital days. Specialists. Tests. Chicago.
Two years ago, it all was a hard pill to swallow.
But I'm not writing to dwell on the past.
Though developmentally behind, my son never stops amazing me. He's smart. He picks up things quick. For example, he picked up the sign for please and no one really taught him it.
Just now, Katy Perry's "Roar" was playing...he "roared" (something he just started doing). Amazing.
He had surgery to correct his eyes from crossing at the beginning of October. To be honest, I was sad to loose my innocent, cross eyed baby. But seeing the strides he has been making in just 3 weeks have been awe inspiring. I mean, the kid is eating with a fork (most of the time, he still thinks his hands are faster ;) ).
He's so curious now. Probably because he can see better. I'm so excited for what his future holds.
This little ramble was not how I thought it out in my head, but it will do.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
12 years ago I was 19. I had no idea that this day would become a national day of mourning. That asshat people would fly planes into buildings and destroy peoples lives. That for the rest of my life, when carded, would be told "Oh, what a sad day to have a birthday." My heart goes out to everyone affected that day.
11 years ago, I was 20. I had new friends, new adventures, new passions. I was becoming a new person, but yet still trying to find out who I was.
10 years ago, I was 21. At 12:01 am I was at a bar for the first time with all of my amazing friends. I felt brand new (even though I didn't really feel that way the next morning). I knew that this was going to be the best time of my life.
9 years ago, I was 22. I had had a steady boyfriend for the last 4 months, and it didn't seem to be a real deal. I was scared and nervous that things wouldn't last, but I tried to take our relationship 1 day at a time.
8 years ago, I was 23. I was still with that guy, and things were great. I felt that everything was perfectly in place in my life. It hadn't been in a while.
7 years ago, I was 24. Still with that same guy, still loving life.
6 years ago, I was 25. I moved out for the first time (even though it was only a couple blocks away). I was nervous to be a quarter of a century, but excited for my new adventures.
5 years ago, I was 26. Same guy, new house and engaged! What an awesome new journey!
4 years ago, I was 27. Married. New job. Going back to school. I got to travel and see new places. We also got a new dog!!
3 years ago, I was 28. Got my Medical Billing Certificate. We also got another dog :)
2 years ago, I was 29. I had my first baby. I became the momma to the most special boy ever. I wasn't ready for this journey, but I had no choice.
Last year, I was 30. I was so scared to start the next decade of my life. 30...I used to think that was so old. Now, it just feels like nothing but a number.
I am 31 today.
I have big plans for this year, and I hope you all come with me for the ride.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
30 years and 364 days
Its my last day of being 30.
So what have I done this year?
■ Watched a little boy turn one and become a little person
■Lost some weight
■ Started this blog
■Got to have a real first Christmas at home
■Celebrated being in our home for 5 years
■Celebrated being with B for 9 years and married for 4 years
■ Found a new love for craft beer
■ Started a new journey with a company called It Works
■ Figured out that life is better when I live it positively.
Can't wait to see what the next year is going to bring. I have a feeling its going to be great!
Sunday, July 21, 2013
New journeys
But I've been busy. I've been going through some life changes and trying to focus on that.
1. I'm so over all the extra that we have and do not need. There is so much and it's so overwhelming. Part of me just wants to say eff it and just take it to Goodwill. But the other part of me thinks that I could bank off of some of this crap and make some cash. But who has TIME to hold a yard sale? Who wants to have a yard sale in this heat?? I posted on a Facebook site, but so far have been unsuccessful...and there are so many RULES!!! Ugh. Annoying.
2. I've decided it's time to be more positive. I've lived the negative life for too long and I'm hoping being and staying positive through everything will help make my life better. I've made it through a week... *twitch, twitch* ;-)
3. I've became a distributor for It Works Global. We could use some extra cash. My friends have been successful. Why not try? Will it hurt? Eh. No. I had to pay to start, but I won't have to pay if I decide to quit, which is nice. I've already signed 3 loyal customers and I'm hoping to sign more, and maybe a distributor or two, today at my party. I've heard this that and the other about pyramid schemes, scams and the like, so please...I don't want to hear it. My friend has been extremely successful. Her friend as well. Real people, real results. If I apply my new found positiveness and hard work, I can be successful too. I have a good feeling about this. I CAN do this.
4. My kid is 21 months...21 months??? da eff??? And while I wish he was walking already....I see all the trouble walking kids get into and tell my self lifting my 27 pound 33 1/2 inch pork chop is great for my arms...great for my arms...
Heck, the kid is well on his way to being as tall as me...I fear him turning 5 and being 5 feet tall.
5. I'm 30 1/2. I need to start organizing my life. This goes back to number 1...we have too much CRAP.
Well, the monkey is awake and needs to be fed. There goes my quiet morning.
If you are interested in what products It Works offers, please visit emilydnicholson.myitworks.com
Hopefully, I will write again before 2 months go by...ha ha
Later -e
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Last Monday, May 20, 2 days before our anniversary...I lost my wedding ring. I changed at work to go to the gym, put my ring and other jewelry in my purse, and put my purse in the truck. I went to the gym, McDonalds, the police department, Kohl's, Thornton's, then home. My bags stayed in my truck the entire time. I got home and put my bags on the ottoman. The next day, I got ready to go, went to put my ring on...and it was no longer in my bag. My other jewelry was there... my ring was not.
I've searched at work, my truck, the house, the basement....it's no where.
And I'm devastated.
If it ever stops raining, we plan to remove the seats from my truck to see if it somewhere we can't see.
My heart feels that it's gone for ever.
We filed a police report on Tuesday, just in case. I just don't understand how it fell out. I even put a different ring and tipped my purse upside down (which it never was) and nothing fell out. I don't get it.
I'm at a loss.
My ring consisted of my promise ring, engagement ring and wedding band, bonded together. There is no recreating that. I've had my promise ring for 8 1/2 years. My engagement ring, 5 years, 3 months...B proposed to me in our bedroom after we closed on the house.
I feel so...lost. I feel lost. I don't feel like myself and I don't feel right. Sure, I was unable to wear it halfway though my pregnancy because my fingers swelled so bad, but I was still able to touch it. I knew where it was. I could still try to put it on my finger, even though it wouldn't pass my knuckle. I jammed it back on after I had C, even though it barely fit and it gave my finger muffin top around it.
I didn't care. I'm proud of that ring. It is everything I ever wanted.
And now it's gone.
Probably forever.

Monday, April 8, 2013
90's hip hop, working out, cleaning house, and scary stuff
Who remembers the 90's? I was in my tween/teenage years in the 90's. I've been on a Pandora 90's hip hop kick lately; Biggie, Tupac, Puff Daddy, Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Salt N Peppa, TLC...Luniz. I mean, come on. You know what I'm talking about. I don't think they make hip hop that good anymore!
Don't get me wrong, there were plenty of good rock/alternative songs out there too! I mean, Dave Matthews and Green Day. Need I say more?
I haven't worked out in almost 2 weeks. I went once. I'm so mad at myself. I'm never going to get back in shape if I keep slacking off. But once you throw in a full time job, and wife and mother duties, time is slim and I have a lot going on. Even if I plan to work out when Chase goes to bed, I still can't get there. I'm determined tonight to go, if it kills me!
One of my "things I have too much of" (and no B...it's not shoes) is house work. It.never.ends. I feel like I clean, and 5 minutes later it's a mess again. It's hard to keep up. I feel like everything turns into a catch all. Especially my kitchen table. Keeping my house clean is a full time job within itself and there is no paycheck and don't even get me started on laundry, that's a separate job and it doesn't even come with benefits.
I was checking the weather today...apparently, it's supposed to snow on Friday...(da eff?) While I was on Weather.com, I came across a link called: PHOTOS: Creepy Abandoned Theme Parks (you can look for yourself here). It immediately sparked my interest. I think stuff like this is so cool. I would love to travel just to see abandoned/haunted places. In my younger years, I was really into going to see "The House With No Corners" in Bully Valley, IL. I also walked around Bachelor's Grove Cemetery which was cool. I think old stuff like this is pretty neat, even though I get freaked out about it. LOL
Well... I better finish my chores, so I can finish my chores, so I can go work out.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
*grumble, grumble*
My friend was admitted to the hospital on Monday.
Her water broke.
And while normally, this would excite people...it's too early...12 weeks to early, so she is on bed rest an hour away....
Did I mention she watches C?
Oh, just that "minor" detail.
The call came in at 6am on Monday morning, which happened to be April Fools Day. However, there was no follow up call to remind me of the day and to say they would see me in an hour...
I frantically started emailing every daycare center I could find. I didn't know what I was going to do.
Oh....did I mention I had to take B to the dentist? Did I mention that we were at Walgreen's Take Care Clinic and the ER on Sunday? Did I mention, I kept sneezing? Guess who felt like crap by 3pm? Guess who was making dinner for Easter? :-/
(sorry for all the questions)
So Monday, while I was emailing every daycare in the county and feeling like crap and taking B to the dentist and feeling awful because C didn't get a real nap, I checked my Facebook.
And there was my epiphany.
My dear friend who stayed at home...maybe she would watch C for a bit until everything went back to normal.
I messaged...she said yes.
Thank GOODNESS!! I'm forever grateful!
And that sums up my cray cray week...
Maybe tomorrow, I'll go to the gym.
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Polyvore and Pinterest
I was unable to play on Polyvore for a while, because I didn't have a working computer. I was so sad.
I can sit on Polyvore all.day.long.
For those wondering what Polyvore is, its a website that you can create outfits from clothes they have in their database. Each piece is linked to the website where you are able to buy the item if you are interested in doing so (I found these amazing earrings...they are $9 though...still trying to decide if I want to pull the trigger on those...) You can follow me here.
I'm seriously obsessed....Polyvore makes me think I could totally be a stylist. Truth or not, I feel like *I* have some cute outfits made up.
The cool thing about Polyvore is that I can now directly pin it to my clothes Pinterest board. Pinterest is a virtual idea board. Basically, you find something awesome, recipe, shoes, cars, drinks, etc., you can "pin" a picture to the board of your choice. In turn, you can go back to said pin, click the picture and it will take you back to the original site...genius I tell you. You can follow other people's "boards" for inspiration, or because you have similar likes, repin their pins, so on and so on....pure.addiction. You can follow me here.
So. I've spent most of my Saturday morning creating outfits that I would wear and pinning them on my clothes board.
What...a time suck.
Maybe I should review my Things to try board, and clean my house.
OR....I could review my Kanye's Workout Plan board and exercise.
Or I can just keep creating outfits on Polyvore like its my full time job (this would be an amazing job...(hire.me.))
Later -e
Friday, March 29, 2013
Where's the heat?

Ain't this the truth!
Last year, I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing a winter coat right now. On St. Patrick's Day, I know for a fact I wasn't in a coat and neither was my son.
While this has been mild winter for the most part, I'm ready for winter to be over. I want to take C to the playground. I want to be outside!!! I need bonfires this year for sure!!! I don't want to wear a coat anymore!!!
I need Sunday Funday patio time at my favorite bar. And a flippy cup tournament there too!
I need to feel alive!!!!!
I'm tired of the cold!
Pull yourself together Mother Nature!! I need to open my windows!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
And.....I'm back.
But to be fair, I really didn't have a working computer and it's pretty hard/rough to write posts from my smartphone.
So a few weeks ago, everything in my house started breaking. The sewer, the foundation, the sump pump, my computer....ugh. It was a nightmare.
The sewer was a month long ordeal. B usually has to snake the drain once a year, so he rents a machine from Home Depot. This year he was able to borrow one from someone he knows.
It didn't work.
He snaked every other day, and it still backed up. Ick. So after a crappy plumbing company coming and doing it once, not clearing it, and quoting us $4000 to put a clean out in our front yard, we called Roto Rooter and they cleared it completely. Thank goodness.
We actually have 2 cracks in our foundation. I chalk it up to the fact that the temperature extremes here are crazy. 60 degrees one day then 20 degrees the next. B is going to fix these on his own with a kit from Home Depot. A friend of his did their own, and it has lasted.
The sump pump basically rusted out. There was no real bad damage and B was able to exchange it for a new one. I guess ours had a lifetime warranty (5 years old); new ones do not.
Needless to say, I'm really behind on house work....and I'm quite disgusted. :-/
As for my computer. I turned it on one day...and I had a message saying XP was invalid. We tried a few different product keys, but none of them would work. So we went to buy Windows 7, but the salesman we talked to said that there may not be a driver for my old laptop...especially since we rebuilt it from what it was (it had Vista when we bought it, the HD took a dump, my dad rebuilt it with XP) So..we ended up buying new. It was a good deal and we also bought an extended warranty and a recovery disk. And I'm going to make sure to schedule myself to back up my files once a month to be safe. (When my old laptop crashed, I lost a lot of stuff from my honeymoon. Thankfully, I uploaded stuff to Facebook every night, but there were other things I lost that couldn't be recovered.)
So, now that I've brought you all up to date....lol.
Currently, my house is in such distress still. I'm so behind on laundry. I need to clean my bathroom. I need to wash my floors. Yuck.
My bedroom is a disaster. No seriously..worse than a teenage girl's bedroom and I was, at one time, a teenage girl...it's worse than that.
We (B and I) have far too many clothes. FAR.TOO.MANY. I'm stuck in this rut where I want to try to lose weight, so I'm afraid to get rid of my clothes, however, a lot of my clothes are either too big or still too small. Some are so old that they are falling apart. My sweaters are getting holes in the elbows...it's pretty embarrassing. I don't want to buy new though, because I don't want to be this weight...etc....start vicious cycle. I broke down this weekend and bought a few new outfits for work. I was lucky to find one on the clearance rack at Wal-mart. I'm determined to get a gym membership today. As for B...he just can't find the time to go through his stuff.
So. That's all I have for now. *Hopefully* I will write more..
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I know, I know.
I was SUPPOSED to be writing more... sorry.
My decluttering has come to a stop. We've been going back and forth on re-arranging the living room...buying a new couch..etc. We are getting a new/used couch tomorrow for the payment of my letting people see my son, so....it's worth it. It's a sectional so there will be plenty of seating...and hopefully plenty of room. I'm planning to make pillows eventually for the newused couch (insert laughing here).
I'm doing well on my diet. I'm down 3 pounds from when I started on the 7th. I haven't started running yet, but that's only because it has be extremely cold here. I've been doing awesome with the burpee challenge though, I'm on day 24 today and will also be incorporating the 200 situp challenge starting tonight.
I've also decided to try freezing meals for the month, hoping that will help save a bit of money. It's worth a try and I also hope that it will help B to make dinner, so I'm not having to do it when I get home.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Weight loss and 6 days in
Today is the last day I'm eating whatever I want as tomorrow i start my diet. I'll be pigging out on crap food today to a) get it out of my house and b) have one last hurrah.
Currently I'm munching on bottle caps...theyz mah favz.
I'm going to start running tomorrow. Even if its just to the corner and back, at least its a start. I'm also going to do the 100 burpie challenge.
Its going to be a long hard road, but I'm determined.
In other news...
How's 2013 going so far? Sticking to your resolutions?
I feel that I've been doing real good on decluttering so far. I've rearranged my upper cabinets and need to work on the lower ones. I've also cleaned out the "junk drawer", cleaned out my makeup drawer in the bathroom and the medicine cabinet.
I got a new mixer for Christmas from my mom. I used it for the first time this morning. I made these egg muffin things I found on pinterest. I also made corn bread.
The eggs came out ok. To much salt and pepper, so I will cut back if I decide to try them again.
I'm making Mac and Cheese today, although, I'm not quite sure if I'm going to it baked or in the crock pot.
I'll weigh in tomorrow and do a post about it.