Friday, September 19, 2014


I missed the obligatory birthday post last week.

The one where I promise to write more
-to get my shit together
-that I'm on to something huge
-that my life will be perfect
-that reflects on the past 30+ years
-that is meaningful


You'll all get mediocre posts ever few months and be happy with it.

Maybe if I don't promise I'll actually become successful with this blog. (bwahahahaha)


I had a super cool craft beer and bonfire party. Although, I don't remember a lot...I blame the lack of food. But the beers I did try, I really liked: Dark Horse Raspberry (I only remember drinking 1 of those and there is only 1 left...I bough a 6 pack) a few different pumpkin beers (Milwaukee Brewing Company's Sasquatch was really good!) and another I shared with a friend...Raspberry Truffle something. I don't remember the brand though, but I do remember how amazing it was!

It was low key and fun and I liked it.

And anyone who missed it, we can do round 2. I have enough beer to make it happen, just let me know what you are coming over. =-)
