Thursday, January 15, 2015


Sometimes, as a parent, you end up with  3 year old on your bed.

You look at that 3 year old, and see the 2 year old, the one year old, and the baby, who once occupied that spot.

It's hard to imagine that baby; it seems like forever ago.

The happy times, the hard times, the indifferent times.

But then you look at that boy (or girl ) and realize the present.  You're sweet baby is 3. Right now they are sucking on a pacifier, attached to a monkey....But that is minor details. Tomorrow, they will just get older, more dependent. They will need you less.

So when that 3 year old needs the occasional Thursday night slumber party, oblige.
Let it happen.

One day, the term slumber party will have a different meaning....and it won't involve you.

Food for thought..

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Happy New Year

So, another year has passed and a new one has started.
Out with the old,  in with the new.

What new adventures are you embarking on?

For starters, I'm dying my hair a crazy color old E would never dream of picking..... I mean, it's just hair, right?

I'm also,  like millions, are starting a diet.  I've gained so much weight I want to vomit. (No,  that's not my plan) I'll also be pushing myself to exercise.

In an effort to experience more things,  I'll be participating in a Pinterest challenge,  in which I do something popular on Pinterest daily. (Yeah,  maybe I'll blog about it)  

I'm also on a quest this year to pay off my debt and minimize the buildup of crap in my home. 

I also want to get back into It Works.
And take more pictures.
Blog more
Maybe try vlogging.

I want to have an amazing 2015.

What about you? What are your goals for the year?

Later -e