Sunday, March 24, 2013

And.....I'm back.

It's been a craptacular few months which made things hard to update. *sad face*

But to be fair, I really didn't have a working computer and it's pretty hard/rough to write posts from my smartphone.

So a few weeks ago, everything in my house started breaking. The sewer, the foundation, the sump pump, my computer....ugh. It was a nightmare.

The sewer was a month long ordeal. B usually has to snake the drain once a year, so he rents a machine from Home Depot. This year he was able to borrow one from someone he knows.

It didn't work.

He snaked every other day, and it still backed up. Ick. So after a crappy plumbing company coming and doing it once, not clearing it, and quoting us $4000 to put a clean out in our front yard, we called Roto Rooter and they cleared it completely. Thank goodness.

We actually have 2 cracks in our foundation. I chalk it up to the fact that the temperature extremes here are crazy. 60 degrees one day then 20 degrees the next. B is going to fix these on his own with a kit from Home Depot. A friend of his did their own, and it has lasted.

The sump pump basically rusted out. There was no real bad damage and B was able to exchange it for a new one. I guess ours had a lifetime warranty (5 years old); new ones do not.

Needless to say, I'm really behind on house work....and I'm quite disgusted. :-/

As for my computer. I turned it on one day...and I had a message saying XP was invalid. We tried a few different product keys, but none of them would work. So we went to buy Windows 7, but the salesman we talked to said that there may not be a driver for my old laptop...especially since we rebuilt it from what it was (it had Vista when we bought it, the HD took a dump, my dad rebuilt it with XP) So..we ended up buying new. It was a good deal and we also bought an extended warranty and a recovery disk. And I'm going to make sure to schedule myself to back up my files once a month to be safe. (When my old laptop crashed, I lost a lot of stuff from my honeymoon. Thankfully, I uploaded stuff to Facebook every night, but there were other things I lost that couldn't be recovered.)

So, now that I've brought you all up to

Currently, my house is in such distress still. I'm so behind on laundry. I need to clean my bathroom. I need to wash my floors. Yuck.

My bedroom is a disaster. No seriously..worse than a teenage girl's bedroom and I was, at one time, a teenage's worse than that.

We (B and I) have far too many clothes. FAR.TOO.MANY. I'm stuck in this rut where I want to try to lose weight, so I'm afraid to get rid of my clothes, however, a lot of my clothes are either too big or still too small. Some are so old that they are falling apart. My sweaters are getting holes in the's pretty embarrassing. I don't want to buy new though, because I don't want to be this weight...etc....start vicious cycle. I broke down this weekend and bought a few new outfits for work. I was lucky to find one on the clearance rack at Wal-mart. I'm determined to get a gym membership today. As for B...he just can't find the time to go through his stuff.

So. That's all I have for now. *Hopefully* I will write more..


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